Here’s what our CA first grader scholars are learning in week 10:
Reading:We are starting an author study revolved around Gail Gibbons.We will be focusing on non fiction characteristics of the stories Pumpkins and Apples, while studying the main topic of the story (apples and/or pumpkins).We will also be finding text evidence within Gail Gibbons stories. Then, we will be comparing and contrasting Pumpkins and Apples at the end of our two week author study unit.
Phonics:We are starting to learn about digraphs, -sh, -ch, -th, -wh, -ck, -ph. Digraphs are two consonants put together that make a new sound. Students will be learning to read and write words with these digraphs in them.
Writing:Students are continuing to work on their small moment pieces. This week they will continue editing, revising and publishing their pieces. Students will be using a check list to edit their writing pieces and then getting them ready to publish and finalize.
Math:Interim Week! Students will be reviewing concepts learned from the beginning of the year in order to prepare for their first interim. First grade will be taking the interim on Wednesday and Thursday.
IXL:If you would like to use IXL at home, we recommend these sections for practice this week:
- Counting and Number Patterns (Section A)
- Addition (Section B & C)
- Subtraction (Section D & E)
- Mixed Operations (Section F)
Core Knowledge:Students will be learning about how to read a map using the directions north, south, east and west. Students will also be identifying the continents and oceans by creating their very own maps of the world.
Core Virtue:Novembers Core Virtue is Generosity- being kind and generous to others.