Sunday, January 29, 2017

22nd Week

Here is what your child will be doing academically in the 22nd week of school:
Math: We are be learning about the different types of graphs.  (Bar, line, pie)  Your child will be creating and reading these types of graphs.

IXL: Please continue to have your child work on IXL at home.
M:1-M:2  Graphing
O:1    Place Value

Phonics: Students will be working with the Vowel Teams:  ew, ui, ue Words like "few, suit, blue".

Core Knowledge: Our CK unit is Astronomy.  This week we will  introducing the students to the Sun, Stars, Earth, and the Moon. 

IRA: Our theme this month is Snow, all our books are going to deal with this topic some how.  The books we are reading this week are:  The Wild Toboggan Ride and The Jacket I Wear In The Snow.

Writing: We are starting our opinon writing.  This week we are going to discuss what an opinion is and how to support your opinion.  

January Core Virtue: Courage

As always, if you have any questions please email your child's classroom teacher.

Important Unexpected Early Release Information  

It is extremely important that you are aware of the plan you put in place for your child(ren) at the start of the school year, bus or carline (Clubhouse will NOT be available), should we need to send students home early. If you need to confirm or change your plan on record please contact the office today. Thank you!

We respectfully request that you use the communications methods listed for information and announcements regarding weather related school closings and avoid phoning the school office during inclement weather or announced early releases unless it is absolutely necessary. 

February News

February 3rd
Dudes and Donuts at 2:45 in classroom

February 6th
100th Day

February 10th
Valentine's Day Party at 2:00

February 16th 
Conferences at 4:00

February 20th

February  21st
Conferences at 4:00

February 24th
OSA at 2:00
College T-shirt

Monday, January 23, 2017

21st week

Here is what your child will be doing academically in the 21st week of school:
**Please have your student to their classroom by 5:10 on Thursday, January 26th if they are participating in the Expo!

Math: We are going to be reviewing math skills in preparation for the second math interim.  

IXLIf you would like to use IXL at home, continue with these sections for practice this week:
  • Counting and Number Patterns (Section A)
  • Addition (Section B & C)
  • Subtraction (Section D, E, F)
  • Mixed Operations (Section J)
  • Recognizing Patterns (section R)
  • Place Value (section M)

Phonics: Students will be working with the Vowel Teams  for the sound of "long e".  Words like "peach, beach, speech, meet".

Core Knowledge: Our CK unit is Early Civilizations.  This unit will introduce the students to the Mexico, past and present, the geography and holidays of Mexico. 

IRA: Jan Brett is our author this month with beautiful stories; The Umbrella and The Three Little Dassies, and many more.  Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.

Writing: We are still working on our informative writing unit.  Your child will be reading non-fiction books and writing a report style writing piece.  Now they will be writing one, with support, but on their own.  They are amazing!

January Core Virtue: Courage

As always, if you have any questions please email your child's classroom teacher.

Important Unexpected Early Release Information  

It is extremely important that you are aware of the plan you put in place for your child(ren) at the start of the school year, bus or carline (Clubhouse will NOT be available), should we need to send students home early. If you need to confirm or change your plan on record please contact the office today. Thank you!

We respectfully request that you use the communications methods listed for information and announcements regarding weather related school closings and avoid phoning the school office during inclement weather or announced early releases unless it is absolutely necessary. 

January News:
January 23
College t-shirts

January 25-26
Interim Math Testing

January 26th
Expo night

January 27th
College t-shirts

Early Release

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Image result for donuts
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Invite your favorite "dude" to Dudes and Doughnuts
Friday, February 3 from 2:45-3:15
Enjoy some time exploring the classroom and snacking on doughnuts.
"Dudes" may arrive at school at 2:45. Please use the center (south) door, not the main entrance. Students leaving with their gust will be dismissed at 3:15; others will follow their normal after school routine.
If your child is getting a ride home with their visitor, please notify the teacher prior to February 3.
* A "dude" can be a dad, grandpa, uncle, friend, neighbor, etc..."