On this blog page you will find the objectives for our academic subjects. It will be updated at least every month. Please check out your individual child's teacher page for more information that pertains to that classroom.
We, the first grade teachers, are really looking forward to getting this year underway. We are very excited to meet some new faces and also get reacquainted with past families. Please feel free to send us an e-mail or leave us a voice message at school if you have any questions or concerns. Our personal information is at the bottom of our individual blog pages. We look forward to meeting with each of you.
Week 4
Here’s what our CA first graders are learning in our 4th week:
Reading: This week we focus on predictions. The books we are reading include, Nuts to You, City Green, and Flower Garden. As you read with your child at home, stop and ask them what they think will happen next.
Phonics: This week we are focusing on the short vowel sound for -o. We will make words and find their rhymes in our reading text and through out our other subjects.
Writing: Students will begin writing their numbers to practice their handwriting. We will stress write from the top and move down, as well as meeting the top , bottom, and middle dotted line. Using all upper case is still age appropriate in first grade and we will move them into using lower case letters as we progress.
Math: The students will find different ways to construct numbers using part-part-whole strategies to make number bonds. A number bond is a simple addition sum that is familiar and can be solved easily, like 2 + 3 = 5.
Core Knowledge: We are excited to move into our new unit, the Human Body. Over the next three week we will learn about the different body systems and create those systems in a project.
Core Virtue: September’s core virtues are Respect—treating others with high regard—and Responsibility—doing your part for others and your community.
Character Day
September 18-22
Spirit Week
Mon- PJ/ comfy clothes
Tues- Dress your Best- be fancy!
Wed- Sport/Athletic wear
Thurs- Throwback Thursday: 80's & 90's attire!
Fri: Be your 'selfie"- dress like you!
September 27
Life Touch Photos
September 29
OSA (Outstanding Student Assembly) & College T-shirt Day
Concert Dates:
November 16th at 6:00 pm
May 10th at 6:00 pm
From the Health Office | ||||||||||||
Shoe tying links
How to Tie Your Shoes Video
Scholastic Book Clubs
Cologne Academy Site: