Reminder: MN Science Museum Field Trip FEB. 23rd! :)
Here’s what our CA first graders are learning in our 25th week:
- This Friday, February 23rd: College T-Shirt and OSA at 2:45. If you are attending the OSA and bringing your child home from the OSA, please let your child's teacher know by noon on Friday so we can have your child bring their end of day items. If we don't have advance notice, you will simply pick your child up in carline.
- All next week: Pennies for Patients! Cologne Academy is running this fundraiser for children with leukemia and lymphoma. Here's "what kind of money" to send each day: Monday-pennies; Tuesday-nickels; Wednesday-dimes; Thursday-quarters; Friday-$3 means you can wear a hat! Classes are competing for the most weight in their jars. Empty out those coin purses and piggy banks!
- Wednesday, February 28th: Spring Photos. Only the students who are ordering pictures will be photographed. Students may change their clothes for the picture, but must be in uniform before and after the photos.
- Friday, March 2nd and Saturday, March 3rd at 7:00 pm: Middle School Musical of "The Music Man"! Come and support the arts and the hard work these students have put in!
IRA: These next few week we will focus on poetry and its elements of rhyme, rhythm, and repetition. We will be searching for these concepts throughout multiple types of poems.
Phonics: We will begin with long vowel vs short vowel review this week. (For example: short a in cat, and long a in game)
Writing: We have been working hard on learning how to put a nonfiction informational piece together. Taking facts and putting them into three cateories of are, have, and can. (Penguins are birds. Penguins have feathers. Penguins can slide on their bellies.) The students are doing an amazing job.
Math: We will continue with fractions this week, and focus on writing, reading, and creating fractions. We will also review some concepts like graphing and 2D & 3D shapes.
IXL: If you would like to use IXL at home, we recommend these sections for practice this week:
- Counting and Number Patterns (Section A)
- Addition (Section B, C & D)
- Subtraction (Section E, F, G & H)
- Mixed Operations (Section J)
- Comparing (Section K)
- Place Value (Section M)
- Spacial Sense (Section N)
- 2D and 3D shapes (Setion V)
Core Knowledge: We will begin a new unit on astronomy, including planets, moon, and of course stars.
Core Virtue: February is Loyality
Early Release Dates:
Friday, March, 23rd
Friday, May 25th
February 12th
February 15th
Class party at 1:00Conferences
February 16th and 19th
No School
February 23rd
Science Museum trip
College t-shirts