Here’s what our CA first graders are learning this week:23
IRA: We finish the month with winter stories. We will read Snowy Day and One Snowy Night. These books will focus on character traits and character changes.
Phonics: We will be introducing, reading, and writing soft and hard sounds of c and g. Soft sounds as in celery and ginger. Hard Sounds as in cat and garden.
Writing: We have begun our informational writing piece of non-fiction. Your child will be reading non-fiction books and writing a report style writing piece. They begin by writing one, with support, but later will write one on their own. They are amazing!
Math: This week introduces 3D shapes. The students will learn to identify a shape, name how many vertices, faces, and edges it has, both with a physical shape and on paper. Feel free to have your child point and count these out on shapes around your home.
IXL: If you would like to use IXL at home, we recommend these sections for practice this week:
- Counting and Number Patterns (Section A)
- Addition (Section B, C & D)
- Subtraction (Section E, F, G & H)
- Mixed Operations (Section J)
- Comparing (Section K)
- Place Value (Section M)
- Spacial Sense (Section N)
- Graphing (Section O)
Core Knowledge: Our new unit is called Early American Civilization. We will study Mayan. Aztec, and Inca civilizations and investigate their government, religion, and development of their cities. We will also compare and contrast these three cultures.
Core Virtue: February is loyalty.