Here’s what our CA first graders are learning in our 27th week:
IRA: We will be finishing up with our fairy tale unit and starting our fracture fairy tales. This is such an entertaining unit and your child will enjoy the stories very much!
Phonics: We will be reading and writing contractions. (For example: I'm, don't haven't, she'll, etc.)
Writing: We have been working hard on learning how to put a nonfiction informational piece together. Taking facts and putting them into three categories of are, have, and can. (Penguins are birds. Penguins have feathers. Penguins can slide on their bellies.) The students are doing an amazing job.
Math: We will start reviewing for our math interim. We will be reviewing skills taught through out the year. Please take time and go over the math sheets your child is bringing home.
IXL: If you would like to use IXL at home, we recommend these sections for practice this week:
- Counting and Number Patterns (Section A)
- Addition (Section B, C & D)
- Subtraction (Section E, F, G & H)
- Mixed Operations (Section J)
- Comparing (Section K)
- Place Value (Section M)
- Spacial Sense (Section N)
- 2D and 3D shapes (Setion V)
Core Knowledge: We will finish up our unit on astronomy, including planets, moon, and of course stars.
Core Virtue: March is Compassion
Early Release Dates:
Friday, March, 23rd
Friday, May 25th
March 15th
College T-Shirt Day
March 19th-23rd
Math Interim
March 19th-23rd
Math Interim
February 26th-March 30th
Spring Break