Phonics; This week we are honing in on would and are contractions. We focus on them being able to make a contraction, read a contraction, and understand that the meaning of the words do not change, even though it is a different work.
Core Knowledge: This week we are beginning a new unit about geology. We will be discussing how rocks are formed, and what rocks can tell us about the Earth.
Writing: We are continuing our opinion writing this week, and will be starting to put our own opinions down on paper. We have been discussing what an opinion vs fact is, and how we can come up with a reason we might hold that opinion.
IRA: This week we are focusing in on character traits. How can we describe a character? Is he/she nice, loving, caring, kind, mean polite, etc. We want them to be seeing and pulling this evidence from the text, and giving examples of why they think that character has a certain trait.
January Core Virtue: Courage
As always, if you have any questions please email your child's classroom teacher.
Important Unexpected Early Release Information
It is extremely important that you are aware of the plan you put in place for your child(ren) at the start of the school year, bus or carline (Clubhouse will NOT be available), should we need to send students home early. If you need to confirm or change your plan on record please contact the office today. Thank you!
We respectfully request that you use the communications methods listed for information and announcements regarding weather related school closings and avoid phoning the school office during inclement weather or announced early releases unless it is absolutely necessary.
We respectfully request that you use the communications methods listed for information and announcements regarding weather related school closings and avoid phoning the school office during inclement weather or announced early releases unless it is absolutely necessary.