Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week 23

Math: We are continuing to learn about the different types of graphs.  (Bar, tally, and pictographs)  Your child will be creating and analyzing these graphs for different types of information, and continuing to learn the importance of graphing as a skill.

IXL: Please continue to have your child work on IXL at home.
M:1-M:2  Graphing
O:1    Place Value

Phonics: Students will be learning about the contractions that end with -n't. For example, many students read can't as cannot. They will be working on reading, and writing them in their different forms.

Core Knowledge: Our CK unit is Astronomy.  This week we are getting into more specific knowledge of the moon and stars. We will be talking about what they are made of and what their function is within our universe.

IRA: Our theme this month is character traits. We will be talking about attributes we could give a character, ie. kind, curious, honest, friendly, etc. The book also have a theme of snow, and will be including stories that are about snow or activities you can do in it.

Writing: We are starting our opinion writing.  This week we are beginning to write opinion pieces, and talking about how to use a sentence starter to make a sentence. We will also be talking about how to create a sentence to display their thinking, and convince the reader of their opinion.

January Core Virtue: Courage

As always, if you have any questions please email your child's classroom teacher.

Important Unexpected Early Release Information  

It is extremely important that you are aware of the plan you put in place for your child(ren) at the start of the school year, bus or carline (Clubhouse will NOT be available), should we need to send students home early. If you need to confirm or change your plan on record please contact the office today. Thank you!

We respectfully request that you use the communications methods listed for information and announcements regarding weather related school closings and avoid phoning the school office during inclement weather or announced early releases unless it is absolutely necessary. 

February News

February 6th
100th Day

February 10th
Valentine's Day Party at 2:00

February 16th 
Conferences at 4:00

February 20th

February  21st
Conferences at 4:00

February 24th
OSA at 2:00
College T-shirt