Friday, May 27, 2016

Last Week Activities! 

Field Day 9:15-11:00
Field Day activities will take place on the city field behind the gym, southwest of the school. Parents wanting to attend can get to the field by parking at the school and taking the walking path behind the gym to the field OR by driving west on Village Parkway from the school and taking a left (south) on Naples Avenue to the park and field at the end of Naples Ave.

Tuesday, May 31

K-2: 9:15-11:00
3&4: 1:00-2:30
7&8 students will be assisting with Field Day stations.
Students should wear non-uniform sports wear with tennis shoes

All school Field Trips
First Grade- Hyland Park
If your child is signed up for hot lunch this day, your child will be provided with a school cold lunch to bring with on the field trip. Cold lunches need to be in a labeled paper bag. Students should wear college tshirts with nonuniform bottoms. Also, please send a snack with your child and make sure to put sunscreen on before sending your child to school! 

Last Day! 
Middle School Talent Show in the gym 9:00-10:30
The afternoon will be spent in the classroom!