Saturday, November 28, 2015

Week 14


The Fall Cookie Dough Fundraiser is now due.  Checks can be made out to CA PAVE. Our goal this year is to raise $8,000 for the Music Department to purchase instruments for classroom lesson instruction.  

Here’s what our CA first graders are learning this week: Nov. 30th - Dec. 4th

November reading calendars are due.  Your goal is 400 minutes for the month, unless stated otherwise. Parents, don't forget to sign the bottom of the form.  You may send it in as soon a you reach your goal for the pizza prize!

Interactive Read Aloud:  We will be reading stories from different lands that have similar stories to those our children have heard like Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood.  Our students will be learning about settings, characters, plots, and identify the characteristics of a sub genre of fiction; folktales. 

Phonics   We are starting to learn about silent "e".   These are CVCe words where the "e" is silent to allow the first vowel to say it's name as in cake, like, and tune.

Grammer:  Our students will learn about contractions.  Students will recognize that a contraction is when two words are put together and one or more letters are omitted.  An apostrophe replaces the omitted letters.

Writing:  We will also begin our "How To" writings where we use first, next, and last to organize our thoughts when giving a step-by-step writing sample.   

Math:   We are working on identifying place value.  Students will identify how many tens and ones are in a number.  They will use place value to segment a 2 digit number into tens and ones.

IXL:If you would like to use IXL at home, we recommend these sections for practice this week:
  • Counting and Number Patterns (Section A)
  • Addition (Section B & C)
  • Subtraction (Section D & E)
  • Mixed Operations (Section F)
  • Recognizing Patterns (section P)

Core Knowledge:  The next few weeks your child will be learning about ancient Egypt.  He/she will learn about the importance of the Nile River for farming and for the cities that developed on the river.  Your child will also learn about the Egyptian writing system of using hieroglyphs, the existence of pharaohs, and the importance of their religion.  They will make a sarcophagus project that they will present and is due December 7th.  

Core Virtue:   December's Core Virtue is Gratitude