Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 29

The office has added a new email to report student absences, tardiness, early pickups and current school day end of day transportation changes. Please email for any of the listed reasons.  Please include your child's full name, grade, and specific information about the information you are reporting.

Here’s what our first graders are learning this week: March 28th - April 1st

Interactive Read Aloud:  Oceans:  Stories that will help us in this genre this week are Over the Ocean, The Seashore, A House for Hermit Crab, Swimmy, and Hello Ocean.

 ai and ay words

We have started our end of the year study on learning to spell high frequency words, vowel team words, as well as words we have generated from our own lists. Each Friday your child will have a spelling test of 6 words they have been practicing all week through various activities.  This week we will focus on ay and ai words.

Writing:   We continue studying Laura Numeroff, who is the author of the "If you give a Mouse a Cookie" series. Students have studied her stories and writing style, have created their own versions using Laura Numeroff's writing style, and are in the final stages of putting together their final product.

Math:  Our new math unit is Money.  Students will identify coins and name the value of each coin from its front and it's back.  Students will be able to count coins of the same type as well as be able to count mixed coins.  

IXL: If you would like to use IXL at home, we recommend these sections for practice this week:
    Data and Graphs (Section M)
    Geometry (Section K)
    Measurement (Section N) 
    Time (Section S)
    Money (Section O)

Core Knowledge:   Our new Core knowledge unit will be Animals and Habitats. This domain introduced the students to the connection of all living things with their physical environment and each other.  Students have learned what a habitat is, what the different habitats we find on our planet are, what plants and animals live there, as well as what adaptations they have made for survival.  They have learned about a food chain, a food web and will discuss endangered animals and what can be done to stop this from happening.  Habitats we will and have already talked about are Arctic Ocean, tundra, desert, grassland, deciduous forest, tropical rainforest, ocean and freshwater.

Core Virtue: Compassion: sympathy, care or concern for the feelings of others.