Sunday, December 11, 2016

Cold Weather Reminder:

Tis the season of weather related school closings.  
We all know that it is that time of the year in Minnesota when parents and staff must be prepared for the possibility of delayed start, early release, or school closing due to weather.

In the event of questionable weather be sure to pay attention for a SchoolWay notification (this is the quickest way for you to know), an email from Main Office, or watch for 'Cologne Academy' on the WCCO or KARE11 weather related announcements.

Here is what your child will be doing academically in the 16th week of school:

Math: We are working on identifying place value.  Students will identify how many tens and ones are in a number.  They will use place value to segment a 2 digit number into tens and ones.

IXLIf you would like to use IXL at home, we recommend these sections for practice this week:
  • Counting and Number Patterns (Section A)
  • Addition (Section B & C)
  • Subtraction (Section D, E, F)
  • Mixed Operations (Section J)
  • Recognizing Patterns (section R)
  • Place Value (section M)

Phonics: Students will be working with the Bossy R sound of "ar" as in bark, smart, card, harp, farm, and yard.  

Core Knowledge: Our CK unit is Three World Religions.  We will look at the three monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Last week we focused on Judaism. This week we learn about Christianity and Islam. We will identify their places of worship, their Holy book, the symbols of these religions, and who they worship.  We will compare and contrast them.

IRA: We continue reading non-fiction stories and discussing the features of a non-fiction book.

Writing: We are still working on our informative writing unit.  Your child will be reading non-fiction books and writing a report style writing piece. We have done one piece together and now they will be writing one, with support, but on their own.  They are amazing!

December Core Virtue: Gratitude

As always, if you have any questions please email your child's classroom teacher.

Important Unexpected Early Release Information  

It is extremely important that you are aware of the plan you put in place for your child(ren) at the start of the school year, bus or carline (Clubhouse will NOT be available), should we need to send students home early. If you need to confirm or change your plan on record please contact the office today. Thank you!

We respectfully request that you use the communications methods listed for information and announcements regarding weather related school closings and avoid phoning the school office during inclement weather or announced early releases unless it is absolutely necessary.