Monday, October 16, 2017

On this blog page you will find the objectives for our academic subjects.  It will be updated at least every month.  Please check out your individual child's teacher page for more information that pertains to that classroom.

Week 8
Here’s what our CA first graders are learning in our 8th week:

Reading: This week we focus on character traits and how we find them for a character. The books we are reading include, Koala Lou,Marsupial Sue, Officer Buckle, and Recess Queen  As you read with your child at home, stop and ask them what is the character feeling? What are their action and what do they say?  All this helps us to find their character traits.

Phonics: Students will create syllables from words and learn that each syllable must have a vowel sound in it 

Writing: Students will begin writing their numbers to practice their handwriting.  We will stress write from the top and move down, as well as meeting the top , bottom, and middle dotted line.  Using all upper case is still age appropriate in first grade and we will move them into using lower case letters as we progress.

Math: This 8th week, we are reviewing for our interim tests.  Fact families will be our focus this week.  2+3=5,   3+2=5,   5-3=2,   5-2=3

Core Knowledge: We will start MAPS next week after break

Core Virtue: October's core virtues are honesty and integrity

On this blog page you will find the objectives for our academic subjects.  It will be updated at least every month.  Please check out your individual child's teacher page for more information that pertains to that classroom.

Week 7
Here’s what our CA first graders are learning in our 7th week:

Reading: This week we focus on character traits and how we find them for a character. The books we are reading include, Koala Lou,Marsupial Sue, Officer Buckle, and Recess Queen  As you read with your child at home, stop and ask them what is the character feeling? What are their action and what do they say?  All this helps us to find their character traits.

Phonics: Mixed vowels and harder words 

Writing: Students will begin writing their numbers to practice their handwriting.  We will stress write from the top and move down, as well as meeting the top , bottom, and middle dotted line.  Using all upper case is still age appropriate in first grade and we will move them into using lower case letters as we progress.

Math: This 7th week, we are learning about balancing equations and telling if an equation is true or false. Ex. 3+2= 4 (false) 2+3=4+1 (true)

Core Knowledge: We are excited about our new unit, Matter. Matter has 3 states; solids, liquids, and gasses.  They will explore those states in their home and in school.  We will create a project to represent the molecules found in these states. Exciting things ahead! 

Core Virtue: October's core virtues are honesty and integrity. 

Concert Dates:November 16th
at 6:00 pm

May 10th
at 6:00 pm

PE Shoes
Please note that PE classes will be going outside often for class when weather permits. Students need to wear outdoor tennis shoes when class is held outside.  The shoes designated for indoor use should NOT be used for outdoors so as to preserve the new gym floor. Any older athletic shoes or every day tennis shoes that students wear to school are perfect! (Students cannot wear fashion boots, Mary Jane's, sandals, slip-ons, etc. for PE class).